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Frensham Heights Main House from a distance


Friday 14th January, 2022


Dear Parents 

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families and that you managed to avoid Covid wherever possible! We appreciate your support for the additional measures we've had to put in place to manage the COVID pandemic, particularly the new measures that the government has asked us to implement. We believe but these measures will be reviewed by the government in about 2 weeks' time, so look out for further information from Becks in due course. 

We are delighted, of course, that so many of our normal activities are able to happen with sports, music, dance and drama and all other ECAs all happening as usual. Last night saw the first of our senior school postponed dinner dances for Years 7 and 8 and I was delighted to see so many of them having so much fun together at the start of this term. Events for other senior school year groups continue next week. 

School surveys 

You will have seen a letter from me this morning containing some links to two surveys. Between now and half term this term, we are going to be sending out short surveys each week to get your views on various areas of the school. This week it is boarding and school transport, and we would appreciate as many responses as possible to help us improve our provision.  


It is worth me mentioning that we are anticipating being inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) this term. The focus is on educational quality, and the inspectors will be in school for four days, looking closely at everything we do. Part of this will be asking parents to fill in a questionnaire, with a fairly quick turnaround, on your child’s experience at the school, and on your experience as a parent. We will let you know as soon as this is requested, and you will receive a letter from me with a link to the ISI survey.  

We are rightly proud of the many things we do well at the school, and of the distinctive nature of Frensham, which we hope to demonstrate when the inspectors are here. Of course, the greatest adverts for the school are our wonderful students, who we know will be open, honest and engaging advocates for a school of which I know they are justifiably proud.  


Have a wonderful weekend. 

Best wishes 






Midsummer Night's Dream

We are looking ahead to our production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream later this term and are in need of some set dressing. Do you have any artificial trees in pots, or any artificial plants, ivy, flowers etc that could be used to help create our forest? We’d also welcome real trees in pots if you were happy to donate rather than lend to us! If you have these or any other items you think might be useful and could bring into school in the next couple of weeks, we would be very grateful. Please could you contact me directly:

Many thanks,


Singing Distinction

Jasmine in Year 10 received a distinction in her Grade 5 Singing Exam. Well done Jasmine!

Fee Invoice

A quick reminder that fees are due on or before the first day of term. If you’ve yet to settle this term’s bill, please could you make a bank transfer as soon as possible.

We want to remind you that we will never change our bank account details without plenty of prior notification.  If you are ever unsure of the school’s bank account details or would just like to confirm them before you make a payment, please don’t hesitate to call the Finance Department on 01252 792299 or email us at We would also like to let you know that paying your child’s school fees by direct debit remains one of the safest and easiest ways to pay as total fees (per your invoice) will be taken from your chosen bank account on the first day of every term.  If you do not have a direct debit set up and would like to arrange this for the Summer term fees, please do get in touch.

Malawi 2023 Calling

On Thursday 27th January we are holding a Malawi 2023 meeting in the Ballroom and hopefully on-line for those students who have already signed up for the trip and any who are still undecided. Remember, you need to be in Year 11 or above in September 2022 to take part.

I am going to be talking about the trip itself from a Frensham point of view. Hopefully there will be a couple of students who will also speak of their trip there in 2019.

Please do join us at 7pm for a glass of wine and more detailed information.


Music and Dance Concert

We'll be sharing the recording of the Music and Dance Concert in next week's newsletter. So keep an eye out!





Main House made guacamole in Main House using Belize 's very own avocados from her home in Tanzania.

boarding students eating avocados



What a great evening we had! Everyone made an effort to dress smartly which was lovely to see. The food was enjoyed and plates were left empty. The students chose the playlist so the music seemed to go down well. We have never before had children ask for a disco to be turned down as it was too loud, but for many we believe this was the first disco they had been to!


This week, the Juniors have had an amazing time in Forest School and Outdoor Education.


Nursery experimented with what different sounds objects or natural materials make, leading into making music and thinking about how we can play instruments softly or hard, slowly or fast, changing our patterns or trying to play in time with others.


Both Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 looked at connecting with Nature, selecting a natural item from the forest and using all of our senses to examine it. We wrote descriptive words down and used them to make short stories, rhymes, or poems.


Year 4 completed a sound map. This involved sitting in a hidden spot in the forest and listening to all the different sounds they could hear, picking them apart and representing them on paper.


Finally, for their Outdoor Education lesson Year 5 and 6 did amazingly well and explored how to pitch a tent. We discussed some factors to consider such as site, weather conditions, proximity to other tents, how far to cook from the tents.


It was great to see Climbing resume at Surrey Sports Park this week where we had a focus on body movement, balance and an introduction to dynoing. Each and every week our climbers are showing good progression by continually adding new tools to their toolbox enabling them to climb in a more fluid and controlled manner. 


Basketball Workshop

On Saturday 22nd January we have a special workshop taking place in the sports hall from our local professional BBL team Surrey Scorchers!

Under 14s Girls Hockey

Frensham 0 - 1 Alton College

A tough ask for the under 14s who played a match on the very first day of school! With no hockey last year due to the lockdown its been a long time since the team have been out on this pitch. Click Read More to watch team manager David Lloyd’s full match report:




We enjoyed some dishes from Italy on Thursday for our theme day. Students could try gnocchi, lasagne, Tuscan bean stew, lemon polenta cake and baked ricotta cheesecake


Beetroot was on our tasting table for the children to try this week. There was risotto, salad, quiche and smoothies!


On our street food counter this week we had Mexican chicken with rice in a tortilla boat with rice sour cream and guacamole, for the more traditional we had fish and chips a bubble and squeak cake and an assortment of salads, soup and delicious brownies.

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Monday, 17 January

Year 13 Mock Exams (including Arts)

Year 11 Mock Exams (excluding Arts)

14:30 – U10 Mixed Hockey v St Ives School (Home)

16:30 – School Health and Safety Committee Meeting


Tuesday 18 January

Year 13 Mock Exams (including Arts)

Year 11 Mock Exams (excluding Arts)

14:30 – U14 & U15 Hockey v Duke of Kent School (Away)

15:50 – U14 & U15 Basketball v St Edmund’s School (Home)

18:30 – Year 9 and 10 Dinner Dance

Wednesday 19 January

Year 13 Mock Exams (including Arts)

Year 11 Mock Exams (excluding Arts)

14:00 – Year 13 A Level Dance Practical Exams (Aldridge Theatre)

15:20 – U9 Mixed Hockey v Bedales (Home)

15:50 – U18 Basketball v The Royal School (Home)

16:40 – U16 Hockey v Alton School (Home)

18:30 – Year 9 GCSE Information Evening (Studios and Theatre)

Thursday 20 January

Year 13 Mock Exams (including Arts)

Year 11 Mock Exams (excluding Arts)

14:00 – Year 11 Dance GCSE Practical Exams (Aldridge Theatre)

16:30 – A Midsummer Night’s Dream Rehearsals

16:45 – U12 & U13 Mixed Hockey v Duke of Kent School (Away)

Friday 21 January

Year 13 Mock Exams (including Arts)

Year 11 Mock Exams (excluding Arts)


Saturday 22 January

09:00 – Year 7 and 8 Surrey Scorchers Basketball Workshop (Sports Hall)

10:30 – Year 9 to 13 Surrey Scorchers Basketball Workshop (Sports Hall)