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Students in certain courses will really benefit from completing a bit of work over the summer. Please see below a list of courses and the relevant work. Not all subjects are shown so don’t worry if you don’t see your course, it just means your tutor has chosen not to ask for any work to be prepared in advance.

How big are your classes?We have one class per year group from Nursery up to Year 3 with small numbers to ensure individual attention. This splits into two classes per year group in Years 4, 5 and 6 with up to 18 per class. In Years 7 and 8, there are usually three tutor groups per year with 16 or 18 students in each. In Year 9, there are four tutor groups. The GCSE and A Level class sizes vary depending on the popularity of student subject choices.
What clothes can students wear?We don’t have a uniform, we just ask our students to dress for purpose. Students are free to express their individuality through their clothes as long as it doesn’t interfere with their school day or cause any distraction or offence. Please also ensure that your child has sensible footwear, including waterproof or walking boots and everyday shoes.
Can students have bicycles on site?Yes, from Year 7 – please make sure it is insured and in good working order with a strong lock. All students who have a bicycle at school are asked to sign a Bike Contract, which states the basic expectations on safe and considerate use of bicycles in and around school. Apart from those in the Sixth Form, all students need to wear a bicycle helmet.
Can students bring medication to school?All medications, including over-the-counter medications, must be handed to the Health Centre on arrival for safe keeping.
Do students need a school bag and stationery?Yes, please make sure the bag is suitable for students to carry their books around our vast site. Please also bring a pencil case, pencils, pens, erasers, colouring pencils, etc. It's a good idea to name all personal items.
What proportion of students board?We offer boarding from Year 7 upwards - roughly 25% of the students board either as full, weekly or flexi 3 day boarders. Where we have space, students are welcome for an 'occasional night' boarding as well. This should be booked with the boarding house. During the school week there is no differentiation between day and boarding students.
How do you handle discipline?Our disciplinary measures are based on mutual respect and self-discipline. We use discussion rather than detention and set targets for changes in behaviour. Depending on the nature of the situation, discussions will occur between the student/s and their teacher or with the Head of School, Deputy Head or Head and if the situation escalates disciplinary sanctions may be used. Aggressive language, shouting and detentions are not used by any staff at Frensham.
Can my child take part in competitive sports?We have over 450 sporting fixtures each year for students who love competitive games. If you want your children to love sport, love going to matches and know how to win or lose well, then that’s what they’ll get here. As well as the main sports, we also offer mountain biking, high ropes, surfing trips, hill walking, rock climbing. At the end of the day, our goal is for students to be fit and healthy.
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