Friday 19th November, 2021
Spotlight on the Junior School
This week we have had a focus on Anti-bullying week which as we know is not just a week but is something we believe should be a focus everyday. In their Emerging Horizons lessons with Nick this week they have been learning about the four main types of Bullying (Physical, Verbal, Social and Cyber). They have explored what these can look like and empowered them to stand up and know who to go to for support to make it stop. It was lovely to have an assembly this week to round up the week with all our children from Reception to Year 6. We even had the treat of lovely performance from a group of Year 5 & 6 students from the Drama ECA who have scripted their own piece called ‘The Golden Crayon’. Thank you for cheering up our day!
The theme this year was ‘one kind word' and our children came up with some absolute crackers to share with others to uplift each other and show their strengths. Perseverance, Spirit, Happiness and Independence. What word would you use as an inspirational kind word?
Have a lovely weekend,
Dear Parents
I have spent time this week thinking about our school values and the importance of being a values-led organisation. I enjoyed chatting to one of our parents a week ago about his experiences in another organisation of resetting values and then embedding them across everything they do, and this is the journey we are now on. Two examples of this in action: with new appointments of staff pending, we are using the values to underpin our recruitment process, and we have used the values to help draft a Junior School approach to behaviour inside and outside the classroom. I am also working with the Senior School student council on how they would like to use the new values to underpin the student experience in the school.
As you will expect, with the end of term not far away, we have a number of community events coming up that we are excited to be running. We will be sending out separate communications about these events and I look forward to seeing many of you on site in due course.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Best wishes
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
It’s been a highly impactful week at Frensham in promoting the Anti-Bully theme across the Whole School. From Early Years all the way through to our Sixth Form, all children will have been a part of important discussion, assemblies, talks and activities that have strongly reenforced our response to any of the four major types of bullying.
The work does not stop here though! The children have been challenged to continue to support and promote this message of ‘Anti-Bullying’ across all of the spaces they inhabitant, whether that be on or off-line. If you didn’t manage to see the ‘Anti-Bullying’ Sway that went out last week which shared lots of key information then please do engage with it through this link: Anti-Bullying Sway
In there, there is also a very supportive Parent Pack that has loads of guidance for you as parents / carers. The link for this is in Sway yet also below as well: Parent Pack
Take care and have a lovely weekend,
Nick O-T and Jack
MALAWI 2023!
I am so pleased that we can finally launch the information meeting for the proposed trip to Malawi in 2023.
Tom Trueman and I are hosting a virtual meeting, explaining all about the trip, when it will happen, the costs, what we will be doing, visas, injections etc.
We would like to see parents and students join us via the link below on Tuesday 23rd November at 7pm.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Everybody's Talking About Jamie - Drama Trip
For BTEC Performing Arts Students and GCSE Drama Students, please get your payments in for the up-coming trip to see ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ on March 17th 2022. We need to purchase the tickets ASAP to get our fantastic schools rate. Many Thanks (any questions please get in touch
Christmas Trees
Once again, the Charity Committee of Frensham Heights School will be selling fantastic Nordmann fir non-drop Christmas trees, with prices ranging from £32 - £55 dependent on the size between 5 – 8 foot.
Please place order by Wednesday 24th November.
Rowledge Community Choir
If you would like to join a friendly choir (no auditions required), Rowledge Community Choir rehearses every Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Music School. The choir is currently rehearsing pieces of Christmas music for our Christmas concert on 14th December in St James’ Church, Rowledge. The choir is led by Sam Rolles, a former Frensham pupil, and his father, Edwin, who was formerly Director of Music at Frensham Heights. The cost is £5 per session. Come along for a free taster session. Any tenors or basses particularly welcome. Please see our website: or contact Liz Bownass-Clark:
For Parents of Year 11 and Year 13 Students
The timetables for the mock exams in January have been published and have been given to your son/daughter today via Teams. If you have any queries, please email Liz Bownass-Clark in the first instance:
Friends of Frensham - Christmas Raffle
Dear all
We are getting ready for our Christmas raffle, and already have had some fantastic donations from parents for this event, including festival tickets and wine. If you would like to donate to this fundraiser, please email me at, with details of your contribution.
Ideas of gifts are book vouchers, hampers, beauty treatment vouchers, food and drink gifts.
Thank you for your continued support
Louise Wheeler, Friends of Frensham
Friends of Frensham - Christmas Puddings
Thank you for your support with Friends of Frensham Christmas puddings this year. We have beaten the past 2 years figures! If you have not ordered your puddings in the set timeline, do not worry. We have ordered some additional puddings to sell in the last week of term in the Aldridge theatre during the Junior School Christmas performances, and also at the music and dance performance on 9th December at the Aldridge theatre.
We began exploring the story of Peter Pan in our Yr 7 & 8 Drama club and we are now bringing you a creative play that the teachers and children have developed whilst meeting together. We have tried to bring this to the stage at a minimal cost to the environment asking the children to make their costumes from re-using, recycling or buying items from charity shops. The set has been designed by Dolly Moon-Kilner in Year 8 and is being built by Shaun and Nicky from our very own Aldridge Theatre using as few new items as possible. Please look out for wood reclaimed from the outdoor theatre and old pieces of set that have been altered to suit this play.
All in all - a production with everyone sharing ideas and thinking of the planet whilst enjoying being together rehearsing and performing. Monies raised will be going to Great Ormond Street Hospital, an extremely worthwhile cause.
The Orchid Project - Art Sale & Fundraising Evening - 26th November from 7pm
The Orchid Project - Art Sale & Fundraising Evening on Friday 26th November from 7pm.
Organised by students, the evening is to raise awareness of FGC and support for the work of The Orchid Project. There will be an art sale, guest speaker and refreshments. The evening is open to Year 11, 12 and 13 students and their families. Tickets are on sale here:
It's time for our Music and Dance Concert. Come along and see the Aldridge alive again with Music and Dance Performances from our Years 7 and up students. Tickets are free, but please book a place below. Also, be sure to let us know if your child is performing and needs to be booked in for supper - you can do this when you reserve your ticket.
Tuesday 14th December
at 2:30pm: Aldridge Theatre
Year 4-6
Christmas Showcase
Wednesday 15th December
at 2:30pm: Aldridge Theatre
Nursery - Year 3
Christmas play ‘Lights Camel action - The sequin’
Bailey and Molly in Year 10 are performing songs at the Farnham Christmas Lights Switch On on a stunning outdoor stage in Gostrey Meadows, Farnham at 2.40pm. Audience members are very welcome!
Year 8 classes have been experimenting with another print technique and our abundance of autumn leaves.
Science labs have asked for some art work for their walls so this is our brief as artists.
This week we’ve been learning about teeth within our Science lessons in Year 4. We learnt about all the different types of teeth and their functions. The children enjoyed a Science lesson in the science labs looking at different real life animal skeletons and doing some observational drawing. They tried to work out if the animal was a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore by seeing what different types of teeth it had.
We went to Rowledge on Saturday 13th November and worked with members of our local village to help clean up the central area – so many leaves and brambles!!
On Wednesday evening we hosted our first Casino Night in the ballroom and billiard room. 70 Year 11 and 12 students attended and enjoyed an evening of mocktails (shaken, not stirred), canapes, games of Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, Yahtzee and Uno. The atmosphere was lovely, and the students put a lot of effort into dressing up for the occasion.
A big thank you to the staff that helped bring the evening together: Michele, Nick, Flic, Charlie P, Becks, John, Amanda M and Louise. We all enjoyed ourselves too.
Alison Bundy
This week, as part of Anti-Bullying Week, we have also been celebrating national Trans Awareness Week. Students have been learning about what being trans means, pronouns, and how to ensure that they are being kind & respectful towards others. We have also celebrated trans role models in subject areas, from Erica Rutherford in Art to Shea Diamond in Music, as well as Verity Smith in PE and Pierre Davis in Technology. Students have also reflected on how learning about the trans experience helps to express our Frensham values, of celebrating authenticity & individuality, as well as building a kind community based on respect & understanding.
One of our current Y13 students, Gabe, has kindly offered the following words on why celebrating Trans Awareness Week at Frensham is so important:
“Since the beginning of the LGBT rights movement, transgender women of colour have led the way despite facing extreme levels of hatred and violence from both those outside the community and within it. Nowadays those women are so often cast aside and replaced in retellings and history with more socially acceptable LGBT people- lost in time with so few even knowing their names. The quote “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” seems especially applicable here as in recent years we have seen a sharp increase in transphobia in all facets of society. For example, the BBC, a news source that has long claimed to be impartial, recently platformed and listened to a group that call for the extermination of transgender people leading to them dropping out of Stonewall’s diversity scheme. Similarly, in 2018, London pride was allowed by officials to be headed up by a group made up mainly of Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists- those who believe that transgender people are a corrupting and threatening force. In fact, transgender people are far more likely to become victims of abuse and violence than perpetrators with, according to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, 2021 being one of the deadliest years for transgender people since they began recording not to mention the detrimentally high suicide rates amongst transgender people of all ages (more than ¼ having attempted and 9/10 having seriously contemplated). Transgender Awareness Week takes place between the 13th and 19th of November and culminates in Transgender Day of Remembrance, its is a time to learn about the history and struggles of transgender people as well as remember those we have lost. It is important to recognise this in school because the adults of tomorrow are created here, and the future will call for a wider acceptance and recognition of transgender issues; we aren’t something that will go away, particularly as antagonised as we are.”
Click the image to see the presentation
The PRE department celebrated World Philosophy Day on Thursday by having a joint debate with students from King Edward’s School, Bath. Students from Y10 and above came together to discuss whether the British monarchy should die with the Queen, with people reflecting on the financial, as well as the cultural, implications. Despite a few technical issues with the microphone and feedback (the perils of 21st century education!), students were really engaged and enjoyed having the chance to share their thoughts with, and hear from, a broader range of voices. Well done to all those who participated – staff at King Edward’s commented on how fantastic the students were and how lovely Frensham is. We’re hoping to be able to make these events a more regular occurrence so keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities in future…
On Friday the Year 12 Geographers braved some inclement weather and a long coach ride, to complete Coasts Fieldwork at Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset.
The trip aimed to expose the Year 12s to a selection of fieldwork techniques, and to partially prepare them for their NEAs, which they start at the end of Y12.
It was a grey day in the morning, but we were lucky to arrive at Lulworth with blue skies and a little bit of sunshine. The Geographers were guided down to Lulworth Cove, stopping to take note of the unique geology and geomorphology along the way.
They collected data samples from two different beach sites, one in Lulworth Cove and the other at Durdle Door. However, it was at Durdle Door that the weather turned, and we got soaked returning up the hill to the minibus.
Fortunately, we had already recorded the data we came for, and we hopped on the minibus to return to school. Wet, but content in a job well done.
Today we had our first informal acoustic concerts since before lockdown! It was absolutely astounding as always with a really varied group of students of all ages sharing their talents in front of a really appreciative audience. There was even a couple of really great singalongs. Definitely what Frensham is all about. Thank you to Joanna, Nell, Vaughn, Edward, Liam, Bailey, Barnaby, George, Jasmine and Serena.
U13s Football
Frensham 3 - 2 Alton School
On Monday evening the U13 football team played their first evening game of the season under the lights on the Astro.
U14s Netball
Frensham 3 - 2 Alton School
On Tuesday two u14 teams were in action against Ditcham. Team 1 played first and picked up exactly where they left off at the end of the last game.
U13s Netball
It was a fantastic away performance by the U13’s against FHES this week. It was cold conditions, but this did not affect the girls performance.
U14s Netball
Last Tuesday the u14 netball team played against DOK at home. Overall the girls played an excellent game.
U13s Football B Game
We had our first U13B fixture on Thursday against Morehouse where we wanted to try and put all the training we have been doing into practice.
Next terms competitive sports options of Rugby Union and Hockey which will both require a mouth guard as a condition of play.
U10s Football
Frensham 1 - 1 Duke of Kent School
Frensham U10 football team entertained Duke of Kent School on Wednesday afternoon on the field.
U15s Netball
On Tuesday two teams played Ditcham at home. The first game was very competitive, and we led from the outset.
U11s Netball
Our Year 6 girls played a game of high fives netball against St Ives. We haven’t played much high fives and it is quite a different game to the usual 7 aside.
Cross Country
Last Thursday Rosie, Charlie. Jonnie, Millie, Millie, Nils, Jessica and Fran all headed to Charterhouse for the annual Waverley Cross Country trials.
Under 11s Football
Frensham 7-1 Duke of Kent
The best performance of the season from the boys in year 6 who dominated this game from start to finish.
Athletics Opportunity
Reminded of the below opportunity for winter athletics training. The times have changed since the original advertisement.
Theme day
This week we were whisked away (virtually) with flavours, aromas and sounds of the Mediterranean. We had some delicious char grilled chicken with cous cous, Tuscan beans, Greek salad and seeded baklava. We even had gluten free churros.
Street food
Ramen was back by popular demand this week on the street food stand.
Tasting table
Swede was our vegetable to try this week on the tasting table.
Try before you buy
We have for some time been encouraging students to try little tasters of dishes before they take a whole portion. This helps to reduce food waste that has been taken but then not liked but is also a great way of developing their taste buds and maybe trying something new.
Monday, 22 November
Year 11 GCSE Drama Dress and Technical Rehearsal (Studios)
14:15 - 16:00 – U10 Netball v St Ives School (Away)
Tuesday, 23 November
Year 11 GCSE Drama Dress and Technical Rehearsal (Studios)
14:30 - 16:00 – U14 & U15 Football v St Edmund’s School (Home)
19:00 - 20:00 – Year 7 to 13 Malawi Summer 2023 Trip Launch
Wednesday, 24 November
14:00 - 16:10 – U16 Netball v Salesian College (Away)
14:30 - 16:00 – U18 Netball v Salesian College (Home)
14:30 - 17:00 – U18 Football v Lord Wandsworth School (Away)
15:45 - 16:45 – U10 & U11 Football v Sherfield School (Home)
15:45 - 16:45 – U10 & U11 Netball v Sherfield School (Home) CANCELLED
17:00 – 18:15 – Year 11 GCSE Drama Performance (Studios)
Thursday, 25 November
14:30 - 16:00 – U12 & U3 Football v More House School (Home)
15:45 - 17:00 – U12 & U13 Netball v All Hallows (Home)
Friday, 26 November
Internal and External Year 11 Scholarship Sixth Form Exams and Interviews
Sixth Form Charity Committee Parent Event TBC
12:30 - 15:00 – Year 6 to 9 Cross Country Fixture at St Edmund's School
15:15 - 16:10 – Year 9 to 11 Spanish Theatre Workshop (Aldridge Theatre)
19:00 – 21:00 – Year 11 to 13 The Orchid Project Art Sale and Fundraising Evening (Main House) ADDITION